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We offer a wide range of psychometric assessments to suit your specific needs.

PBC High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA)

Measures team's performance levels and culture to improve team effectiveness.

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Profile of Mood States Second Edition® (POMS 2®)

Assess fluctuating feelings and enduring affect states

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Tailored competency-based personality assessment.

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Prospect Screener

Measures entry level requirements for most occupations.

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Psychometrics 360

Multi-source rating tool on 24 key employee competencies

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Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ)

Measure relationship between client’s quality of life and other behaviors

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Quick Check Test (QCT)

Measures detail checking accuracy.

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Quick Neurological Screening Test, 3rd edition

Assesses motor coordination and sensory integration.

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Raven's Assessment logo

Raven's Progressive Matrices™ (RPM)

Assess general mental ability from a non-verbal perspective.

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Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial (RCFT)

Measures visuospatial ability and memory

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Risk Type Compass (RTC)

Assesses employee risk propensity and management capacity

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Roberts Aperception Test for Children 2 (Roberts-2)

Assesses children's social functioning through storytelling

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Sales Aptitude Profile (Sales AP)

Measures traits critical to success in sales-driven roles.

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Six-Star Wellbeing Survey

Provides an overview of staff or student wellbeing

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Practical evaluation of work-related skills and knowledge

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Sources of Work Stress Inventory (SWSI)

A tool for identifying and addressing stress at work.

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Spangenberg & Theron Leadership Suite (S&TLS)

Assesses the capabilities needed by leaders and managers to implement major change while sustaining unit performance in the South African context.

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State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2)

Measures anger experience, expression and control

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Strong Interest Inventory® (Strong®)

Measures occupational interests.

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Strong Interest Inventory® 244

Guides individuals in the exploration of their interests to find their career path.

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Study Orientation Questionnaire in Mathematics (SOM)

Assesses a learner's interest and study orientation in mathematics.

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Subarctic Survival Situation

Virtual team-building activity enhancing team development and improving problem solving and decision-making skills

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Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT)

Quickly screen for organic cerebral dysfunction in both children and adults

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Talent Basics Report

An integrated report taking cognitive ability, a person's employability and organisational fit into account.

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