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Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®-Fifth Edition (WISC®-VUK)

Comprehensively assess children's cognitive abilities

The WISC-V provides a comprehensive assessment of a child's overall cognitive abilities, as well as five specific cognitive domains that impact performance in the classroom and beyond. This fifth edition of the WISC-V incorporates the latest research on intelligence, cognitive development, neurodevelopment, cognitive neuroscience, and processes important to learning ensuring its currency.

The WISC-V provides flexibility and interpretive power, along with access to more subtests, so the user gets a broader view of a child’s cognitive abilities. New subtests are targeted to common referral questions for children such as the presence of a specific learning disability; and special clinical situations such as evaluations of children who are English language learners.

  • Full Scale: Verbal Comprehension (Similarities, Vocabulary, Information and Comprehension), Visual Spatial (Block Design and Visual Puzzles), Fluid Reasoning (Matrix Reasoning, Figure Weights, Picture Concepts and Arithmetic), Working Memory (Digit Span, Picture Span and Letter-Number Sequencing) and Processing Speed (Coding, Symbol Search and Cancellation).

  • Primary Index Scales: Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) – consisting of the Similarity and Vocabulary subtests, Visual Spatial Index (VSI) – consisting of the Block Design and Visual Puzzles subtests, Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI) – consisting of the Matrix Reasoning and Figure Weights subtests, Working Memory Index (WMI) – consisting of the Digit Span and Picture Span subtests, and Processing Speed Index (PSI) – consisting of the Coding and Symbol Search subtests.

  • Ancillary Index Scales: Quantitative Reasoning Index (QRI) – as determined by the Figure Weights and Arithmetic subtests, Auditory Working Memory Index (AWMI) – as determined by the Digit Span and Letter - Number Sequencing subtests, Nonverbal Index (NVI) – as determined by the Block Design, Visual Puzzles, Matrix Reasoning, Figure Weights, Picture Span and Coding subtests, General Ability Index (GAI) – as determined by the Similarities, Vocabulary, Block Design, Matrix Reasoning and Figure Weights subtests, and the Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI) – as determined by the Digit Span, Picture Span, Coding and Symbol Search subtests.

  • Complementary Index Scales: Naming Speed Index (NSI), Symbol Translation Index (STI), Storage and Retrieval Index (SRI)


The WISC-V can be used in diverse applications such as:

  • identifying intellectual disabilities

  • identifying and diagnosing learning disabilities/disorders

  • evaluating cognitive processing strengths and weaknesses

  • assessing for giftedness

  • assessing the impact of brain injuries


Since the WISC-V is only available in the paper and pencil, hand-scorable version in South Africa, there are currently no software reports available.

Product Info



Age range

Children 6 years 0 months to 16 years 11 months

Administration time

60 minutes for core subtests


Global norms



Administration Platform


Integrated reports



David Wechsler, PhD



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