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Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA®)

Assesses individual competencies, strengths, adaptive functioning, behavioural, emotional and social problems.

The Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) is a comprehensive evidence-based approach to assess adaptive and maladaptive functioning. Developed through decades of research and practical experience, it allows for multi-informant assessments that aid in the identification of actual patterns of functioning. The ASEBA assesses and clearly documents individuals’ functioning in terms of quantitative scores, as well as narrative descriptions in the respondents’ own words.


 The following Forms are available for the ASEBA:

  1. Preschool Form (1 ½ - 5 years):

  • Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) Completed by parents and/or family members. This form obtains descriptive details of the child’s functioning.

  • Language Development Survey (LDS) Completed in conjunction with the CBCL. This form uses parents’ reports to assess children’s expressive vocabularies and word combinations, as well as risk factors for language delays.

  • Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF) Completed by aftercare providers, teachers, and others, who see the child in group settings where at least four children are present.

  1. School-age Form (6 - 18 years)

  • Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) Completed by parents and/or family members. This form obtains descriptive details of the child’s functioning.

  • Youth Self-Report (YSR) Completed by individuals 11 years to 18 years.  Youths rate themselves on both problem behaviours and on socially desirable qualities.

  • Teacher’s Report Form (TRF) Completed by daycare providers, teachers, and others who see the child in group- and academic settings. Teachers rate the child’s academic performance and adaptive functioning.

  1. ASEBA Adult Form (18 - 59 years)

  • Adult Behaviour Checklist (ABCL) Completed by people who know the adult well, in order to obtain their perceptions of the adult’s functioning.

  • Adult Self-Report (ASR) Completed by the adults themselves, report their own adaptive functioning, problems and substance use.

  1. ASEBA Older Adults Form (60 - 90 years and older)

  • Older Adult Behaviour Checklist (OABCL) Completed by people who know the adult well, in order to obtain their perceptions of the adult’s functioning.

  • Older Adult Self-Report (OASR) Completed by older adults themselves, to obtain diverse aspects of adaptive functioning and problems.

The following scales and subscales are assessed by each ASEBA Form:

ASEBA Preschool Form (1 ½ - 5 years)

Empirically Based Syndrome Scales

  • Emotionally Reactive

  • Anxious/Depressed

  • Somatic Complaints

  • Withdrawn

  • Sleep Problems (CBCL only)

  • Attention Problems

  • Aggressive Behaviour

DSM-5 Oriented Scales

  • Affective problems

  • Anxiety problems

  • Pervasive

  • Developmental problems

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity problems

  • Oppositional Defiant problems

ASEBA School-Age Form (6 - 18 years)

Empirically Based Syndrome Scales

  • Anxious/Depressed

  • Withdrawn/Depressed

  • Somatic Complaints

  • Social Problems

  • Thought Problems

  • Attention Problems

  • Rule-Breaking Behaviour

  • Aggressive Behaviour

DSM-5 Oriented Scales

  • Affective problems

  • Anxiety problems

  • Somatic problems

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity problems

  • Oppositional Defiant problems

  • Conduct problems

ASEBA Adult Form (18 - 59 years)

Empirically Based Syndrome Scales

  • Anxious/Depressed

  • Withdrawn

  • Somatic Complaints

  • Thought Problems

  • Attention Problems

  • Rule-Breaking Behaviour

  • Aggressive Behaviour

  • Intrusive

DSM-5 Oriented Scales

  • Depressive problems

  • Anxiety problems

  • Somatic problems

  • Avoidant Personality Problems

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Problems (Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Sub-Scales)

  • Antisocial Personality problems

Adaptive Functioning Scales

  • Friends

  • Spouse/Partner

  • Family

  • Job

  • Education

Substance Use Scales

  • Tobacco

  • Alcohol

  • Drugs

ASEBA Older Adults Form (60 - 90 years and older)

Empirically Based Syndrome Scales

  • Anxious/Depressed

  • Worries

  • Somatic Complaints

  • Thought Problems

  • Functional Impairment

  • Memory/Cognition Problems

  • Irritable/Disinhibited

DSM-5 Oriented Scales

  • Depressive problems

  • Anxiety problems

  • Somatic problems

  • Dementia problems

  • Psychotic problems

  • Antisocial Personality problems

Adaptive Functioning Scales

  • Friends

  • Spouse/Partner

  • Personal Strengths


The ASEBA Preschool and ASEBA School-Age Forms may be useful in the following settings:

  • Mental health settings

  • Educational settings

  • Family service settings

  • Forensic settings

The ASEBA Adult Version Forms are valuable for:

  • Assessing mental health for therapeutic purposes

  • Planning and execution therapy

  • Substance abuse intervention programmes

  • Forensic contexts

The ASEBA Older Adult Forms can greatly improve assessment in a variety of different contexts including:

  • Psychological evaluations

  • Medical care, including routine care, and evaluation of functioning following events such as strokes, falls, and illnesses

  • Functioning after significant life changes (e.g. loss of loved one, or move to an assisted living environment)

  • Evaluation before and after planned changes and interventions


The ASEBA-Web System produces an Individual Profile Report for all form versions, which includes numerical and narrative comments as interpreted from the multiple self-report measures gathered.

Product Info



Age range

Individuals ages 1 ½ - 90+

Administration time

10-25 minutes depending on the form used


Global norms


English (other languages also available)

Administration Platform


Integrated reports



Dr Thomas M. Achenbach


by Thomas Achenbach

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